CREAF is seeking a predoctoral researcher for the SEVERO OCHOA Project, with the reference CEX2023-001340 with specific ref. PREX2023-00022 funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación 10.13039/501100011033.
The Severo Ochoa award will allow CREAF to further advance its excellence in research and research management, while contributing to addressing global socio-environmental challenges. CREAF research towards human-altered ecosystems and landscapes, their functioning and threats is reinforced in a more comprehensive way through the project “ECO-RESILIENCE 360º: TRANSFORMATIVE ECOLOGY TO MANAGE THE FUTURE OF ECOSYSTEMS AND HUMAN WELLBEING”. The present proposal of a predoctoral researcher will focus in one of the main aims of the project:
(2) UNDERSTANDING AND FORECASTING THE RISKS TO ECOSYSTEMS. Our goal is to develop cutting-edge scientific research focused on understanding and forecasting short- and long-term changes in ecosystems that put nature at risk, focusing on climate change, biodiversity loss and forest health. We will provide decision-makers with accessible information derived from this research. We aim to investigate how global change drives the adaptation and migration of organisms, including those assisted by humans, and the resulting changes in the structure, composition and function of ecosystems and landscapes, as well as their potential effects on society.
In particular, the project proposed has the following general title:
“Forest development as a way of reducing risk of forest loss: the effectiveness of multifunctional forest management”.
This project will analyze whether forest development may be a way of reducing risk of forest loss and to measure the effectiveness of past forest management practices as a multifunctional tool for reducing the risk of extreme events and promoting forest development. The study will be carried out in Catalonia, where the required information is available. Specific objectives are:
• To evaluate whether forest development may reduce the risk of forest loss by mitigating the impacts of drought events and reducing the risk of wildfire spread.
• To identify past silvicultural practices carried out by public or private owners and analyze their effectiveness in mitigating the impacts of extreme events and increasing forest development.
• To analyze the effectiveness of past forest management in experimental plots as a multifunctional tool for reducing the risk of extreme events and promoting forest development.
IP garant: Prof. Javier Retana
This contract is envisaged to start in March 1st, 2025. The salary offered (gross) is established by the RD EPIF (Real Decreto 103/2019, de 1 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto del personal investigador predoctoral en formación):
- 1st year (12 months): 56% of €32,465.02** = €18,180.41.
- 2nd year (12 months): 60% of €32,465.02** = €19,479.01.
- 3rt and 4rt year (24 month): 75% of €32,465.02** = €24,348.76 each year.
**Salary from Group 1 (M3) of the salary table from the Convenio colectivo único para el personal laboral de la Administración General del Estado of 2024 (subject to possible salary increases when new salary amounts are approved).
The candidate will be responsible for collecting field and other institutions’ data, managing spatial information and forest database, carrying out statistical analysis of the data available, publishing of results in peer-reviewed journals and presenting the results obtained in scientific meetings, among other tasks that will be defined during the development of the PhD. Thesis.