• Temporary
  • Full time
  • €18,180.41 - €24,348.76
  • Hybrid (08193, Barcelona, Spain)

CREAF is seeking a predoctoral researcher for the SEVERO OCHOA Project, with the reference CEX2023-001340 with specific ref. PREX2023-00021 funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ 10.13039/501100011033.

This PhD thesis will focus on “Investigating the non-linear dynamics of biogeochemical cycles in all types of ecosystems under increasing stress driven by global change”

Evidence indicates that heightened stress from climate change, along with altered nutrient cycles and biodiversity loss, will diminish ecosystems' capacity to withstand disturbances, leading to increased variability and reduced resilience. However, the extent to which ecosystems are becoming more unstable due to global change and the drivers of ecosystem variability and resilience remain unclear.

This PhD project will analyse long-term local, regional, and global gridded datasets to investigate the non-linear dynamics of biogeochemical cycles, specifically the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles. These analyses will likely be complemented by laboratory experiments utilizing microcosms to evaluate how environmental manipulations can trigger changes in ecosystem dynamics.

The thesis is framed in the Severo Ochoa award of CREAF “ECO-RESILIENCE 360º: TRANSFORMATIVE ECOLOGY TO MANAGE THE FUTURE OF ECOSYSTEMS AND HUMAN WELLBEING” . the thesis will involved components of the the three application areas of the Severo Ochoa award:

(1) ASSESSING THE POTENTIAL OF NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS. We will evaluate how global changes affect the supply and demand of essential ecosystem services (e.g., carbon and nutrient cycling, climate regulation, food and water provision).

(2) UNDERSTANDING AND FORECASTING THE RISKS TO ECOSYSTEMS. We will develop cutting-edge scientific research focused on understanding and forecasting short- and long-term changes in ecosystems that put nature at risk, focusing on climate change, biodiversity loss and forest health. We will provide decision-makers with accessible information derived from this research. We aim to investigate how global change drives the adaptation and migration of organisms, including those assisted by humans, and the resulting changes in the structure, composition and function of ecosystems and landscapes, as well as their potential effects on society.

(3) ADAPTING ECOSISTEMS FOR RESILIENCE: We will analyze and propose innovative adaptive measures to inform policies in critical areas such as adaptation to drought, climate extremes, and wildfires. We will evaluate the resilience of key ecosystem functions to significant stress factors and disruptions, including its drivers such as functional diversity, and biotic interactions. Additionally, we will assess ecosystem malfunctioning and explore management options.

IP garant: Prof. Josep Peñuelas

This contract is envisaged to start in March 1st, 2025. The salary offered (gross) is established by the RD EPIF (Real Decreto 103/2019, de 1 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto del personal investigador predoctoral en formación):

- 1st year (12 months): 56% of €32,465.02** = €18,180.41.

- 2nd year (12 months): 60% of €32,465.02** = €19,479.01.

- 3rt and 4rt year (24 month): 75% of €32,465.02** = €24,348.76 each year.

**Salary from Group 1 (M3) of the salary table from the Convenio colectivo único para el personal laboral de la Administración General del Estado of 2024 (subject to possible salary increases when new salary amounts are approved).


  • Compile and analyse big datasets to answer the questions posed in the tesis
  • May be also carry out laboratory experiments utilizing microcosms to evaluate how environmental manipulations can trigger changes in ecosystem dynamics.
  • Lead the writing of the scientific articles originating from the results of the thesis
  • Contribute to the main objectives of the research group, including participation in the projects of other team members.


  • Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees related to biology, environmental sciences, forestry, biophysics, physics, chemistry or similar.
  • Excellent analitical skills (e.g., managing big datasets and performing advanced statistical analyses).
  • High level of programming in R and/or Python.
  • Good English level, both spoken and written. Catalan is highly recommended.
  • Excellent oral and writing communication skills.


  • Experience and interest in biology and ecology.
  • Experience performing experiments in biology.
  • Participation in scientific publications (first-author publications will be strongly valued).
  • Ability to work as a team and independently.
  • Candidates who have a recognized disability will be considered and accredited equal to or greater than 33% will be prioritized, as long as the disability is compatible with the proper performance of the job.


  1. Applicants should submit: 1) CV in English, 2) motivation letter (less than 1 page), 3) academic transcripts of bachelor’s and master’s degrees (in Spanish or English), and 4) the contact details of at least two previous supervisors so that we can request references about the candidate, until Fabruary 9th, 2025.
  2. Pre-selection: determination of compliance with the minimum requirements of the offer.
  3. Selection: preselected candidates will be scored based on objective criteria. The candidates presenting the highest scores will be invited to a physical or remote interview (depending on country of residence).
  4. Final decision: the decision will be communicated to the candidate with subsequent publication in the CREAF job openings section.

For informal enquiries, please, contact IP garant: Prof. Josep Peñuelas

Global Ecology Unit CREAF-CSIC-UAB,Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) - National Research Council (CSIC), Edifici C, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona

tel 935812199 email:

Job offer in PDF